About us

About BrainWise

Podcasts have emerged as a powerful medium that offers informative benefits and contributions to society.
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Dr Pallavi prasad

Doctor by Profession and pageant enthusiasts by hobby she is an all rounded person. She has organised and conducted multiple health check up and awareness camps.she has also worked govt projects in the healthcare sector. Not only that she has creditable and valuable work in covid, specially for home isolation care and single handedly supported more than 5000 covid families. She is also a certified counsellor for mental health.

She is media influencer and model she had achieved several award in various categories.

15Years Experiences

She is the director at white divine event through which she has found great success to add to he achievements, She is the Mrs. India Tiara Global Classic 2018

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Our Values

Why BrainWise ?

Brainwise stands out as your go-to source for insightful discussions and expert insights into the fascinating world of neuroscience and cognitive health. Led by Dr. Pallavi Prasad, our podcast series offers a unique blend of scientific expertise. 

Quality Contents

Quality content is the cornerstone of our mission at Brainwise. We are committed to delivering informative, engaging, and accurate information to our listeners, ensuring that each episode provides value and insight into the complexities of neuroscience and cognitive health.

Best Broadcasters

Determining the "best" broadcasters can vary depending on personal preferences, interests, and criteria such as credibility, quality of content, and engagement with the audience. However, some broadcasters are widely recognized for their excellence across various genres and platforms

Support All Platform

When it comes to broadcasting, there are several platforms that offer support across multiple channels, ensuring a wide reach and accessibility for audiences. Some of the most popular platforms that support broadcasting across various mediums include

Easy Access

Easy access is essential for ensuring that content reaches its intended audience conveniently and efficiently. In the realm of broadcasting, platforms that offer easy access provide seamless and user-friendly experiences for both content creators and consumers.